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OP.Blue Moon.1b.1200.DavidEArmstrong_Z9_20230803_210638_920-1 - Copy.jpg
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@bleirer gets the Blue Sun err Star award for the day! Was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice and comment haha I expected ppl to bump when seeing it "uh what's up with that moon pic?" Hey - doesn't the middle one kind of look like the Hawaiian islands?

Actually though, this was a test of the NiSi solar filter I recently got in prep for the eclipse next april. Needs more tests, but there is some fringing I'm not crazy about - conditions were not good - smoke + some clouds. When I saw the raw files, I thought it looked a bit like the Supermoon pics recently posted, and went with it - then went further piling onto the "blue moon" deal this month, and making it *actually* blue.

I was thinking I'd go with the TC 2x but now I'm not sure - might be too tight since I really want the corona during totality.

Hope you chuckled at my little misdirection ;) Cheers!
