Once in a Blue Moon...

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Had planned to shoot the Harvest Moon at the beginning of October but the skies were cloudy on the key nights so I put it off. But we got a second full moon, aka a Blue Moon this month so I took a crack at moon rise over a nearby ridge this evening. It's amazing how fast the moon rises and how little time there is to arrange compositions when looking through a long lens. Had to move around pretty quickly to adjust the composition before the moon rose too high but I liked the trees I found, thought it had a Halloween look to it :)

Nikon D850, 600mm f/4 + TC-14III @ f/6.3, 1/125", ISO 450
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Had planned to shoot the Harvest Moon at the beginning of October but the skies were cloudy on the key nights so I put it off. But we got a second full moon, aka a Blue Moon this month so I took a crack at moon rise over a nearby ridge this evening. It's amazing how fast the moon rises and how little time there is to arrange compositions when looking through a long lens. Had to move around pretty quickly to adjust the composition before the moon rose too high but I liked the trees I found, thought it had a Halloween look to it :)

Nikon D850, 600mm f/4 + TC-14III @ f/6.3, 1/125", ISO 450
View attachment 8831
Nice shot, Dave! I love the trees.
Nice photo Dave, thanks for posting the settings for that shot.
Thanks Vern.

FWIW, if I try a shot like that again I'd stop down further or perhaps do a two image focus stack with one image focused on the foreground trees and the second on the moon itself to sharpen up the moon details a bit. Food for thought...
Beautiful image Dave! I've always wanted to capture a full moon with a foreground like this. I do like this as is, but it would be interesting to see the resulting image based on your thoughts of an image stack to have both the trees and the moon in focus. Although, it would take your eyes off of searching the trees for Kathy's werewolves!
Beautiful image Dave! I've always wanted to capture a full moon with a foreground like this. I do like this as is, but it would be interesting to see the resulting image based on your thoughts of an image stack to have both the trees and the moon in focus. Although, it would take your eyes off of searching the trees for Kathy's werewolves!
Yeah, after processing this image I really wanted to go back the next night and try the two image stack for a crisper moon. But life got in the way so maybe next month. It's really hit or miss lining up the foreground so I probably won't get the same alignment of trees but I can probably find some other ridge top foreground trees to work with. If I do, I'll post the results for comparison.