One Short of a Baseball Team

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Supporting Member
Taken near Pawnee Grasslands, Colorado yesterday

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Wow. That's a cool shot.
Thanks, Dan!

Very cool shot Woody! Well done👍👍👍
Thanks, Ralph!

Great shot, an 8-pack.
Thank you😊

Awesome capture Woody.
Happy trails.
Much thanks!

Super shots Woody!
Thanks, Ira!

Nice! Lucky they were gathered for ya
Thanks. It’s a matter of patience with these guys. They almost always venture out of the burrow and stay close together for several minutes some time in the morning. They are curious about the dumb looking apes with cameras in their hands and so you can usually get at least a few shots with ‘em all looking in your direction. Four hours using a car as a blind on this particular shoot :)
Amazing shot Woody, nicely done.
Much appreciated, Louis!
Really great shots, but are you sure it was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? 😉

One shot has eight, and one has seven. I like the dwarf idea for the seven shot. 😃

Well that's cheered me right up on a Monday morning, brilliant :D:D:D:D
Glad to hear it, thanks!

Love Owls, very nice images, TFS

Very nice, Woody.
In the second image, I can just hear the one in the back row, third from left, staring at the one in front. "Slacker! Lying down on the job again!" :)
LOL Thanks!