One ugly bird ~ Marabou Stork

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I have mentioned that these undertakers of the avian world are some of the most ugly birds on the planet. I think the wood stork's face and turkey vulture's face may be on par. That said, sometimes they can have a certain appeal like here where it is drinking at the weir in the Olifants River, Kruger NP. D4; 80-400 @ 320 mm; f/6.3; 1/1250; IS)
D4 2016 11 28 9838.jpg
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Nice shot, Callie! We have plenty of the turkey vultures around here and I have tried a few shots but no really successful results. Very ugly, but they do have some tremendous colors and features...if you can stand to look closely enough!
Lovely picture Callie, water sets off the marabou v nicely. It’s amazing how thin a branch they can roost on. Complete scavengers. Ugly as sin but are characters. See them here often with vultures after a kill.
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