Opinion of PolarPro filters

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Well-known and Infamous Member
Supporting Member
I have read one or two mentions of PolarPro filters but have not been able to find a good review about this.

Is anyone using them - either ND, variable ND or CP?
I like PolarPro and had the Peter McKinnon VND’s but because they don’t offer filter sizes beyond 82mm (there are “some 95mm options”) unless you use matte boxes, I moved over to KASE which I find to be equally if not more effective than PolarPro, minus fact they don’t offer a VND like PolarPro does.
Check out Mavin. Great quality, awesome magnets, affordable for what you get and they don’t do VND. Variable ND sounds great until it doesn’t always work as advertised. A fixed ND for stills is a much better solution.