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Supporting Member
I am happy with almost everything except I'm wondering if the fact that the bird is on the very end of the perch is distracting or takes away from the overall composition. thoughts please.
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I have a couple oddball thoughts. What if you flipped it so the perch entered from the left? I don't know why I think that. Second, is that the birds natural repose relative to horizontal, or could the perch be rotated a touch? I know there is no horizon but I'm wondering if birders could say if the bird is tilted a bit? I don't know, just to my eye I'm wanting it to twist clockwise a couple degrees. That would also allow a little more tail room since you could invent more background to fill. Final thought, if the eye socket could be brightened to reveal more detail, if you have the room in the raw.

Nice shot overall.
Perch is fine. In fact, finding an Orchard Oriole anywhere except the end of a branch would be tough. They seem to like to perch in the very tops of trees or out at the end of branches.

2 things I would do since you asked for critique.
1) as others said, open the crop up a little so there is more room around the bird, especially to the left and above as has been stated,
2) I would brighten it up a little. Orchard Orioles are kind of a burnt orange in the breast which is accurately reflected in your image. However I may add a little brightness, brilliance, vibrance, etc. Play with the sliders and see how it renders. Be careful as I'm sure you know, a little slider goes a very long way.

Overall, beautiful bird, well captured and a pleasing image. well done.
Hi Doug,
I do not think the perch is bad at all; bird is sharp, nice background. One thing I have a tendency to do is to crop too tightly, so perhaps there could be some more room around the bird, but it could be there's not much interesting there and you have leaves and stuff in the way. Nicely processed image.