Osprey landing!

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Laurence Jackson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Just admire those talons!!! 🤪 I'm glad I'm not a fish, or anything else on the wrong side of those...Taken at the bottom of my road last week, here in Perth, WA :)
Nikon D850/Nikon 600 FL @ f4, ISO100, 1/3200

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Top shot Laurence. Very envious of you. We have Ospreys using a light tower over here on the east coast for a nesting site. Even though I carry my camera with me on most of my walks I have never been lucky enough to have them low enough for a good capture.
Yes! I live in Waterford and we have 3 living on the Canning River. They do make my life very easy though as they are quite used to people...for which I’m very grateful 😁
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