Osprey photography in the fog

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Yesterday afternoon I was by Lake Ontario, east of Toronto, Canada, watching juvenile Ospreys honing their skills in catching catfish from the open water in a marina. Suddenly around 3PM a thick fog cloud rolled in from the lake covering everything in sight. 45 minutes later the fog started clearing up and the Ospreys resumed their action. Just then, one of the juveniles attacked another when the second one dove close to its territory. Here's one frame from that attack sequence. The first photo is what came directly out of the camera after crop and conversion to jpeg using NXStudio. The other two are the result of changing the exposure, contrast and brightness of the same photo, again using NXStudio - resulting one slightly brighter and one slightly darker than the original image which has a washout look due to fog covering. What is the general rule of thumb for a foggy situation like this? Make it look like the second photo or the third photo? Or is there even better option? Thanks in advance for your critique and comments.

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