Overall Critique and Crop ?

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Hello all,
I just joined up. Love Steve's videos and books. I have this shot of a ruby-throated hummingbird. I would like a overall critique. But also which crop or orientation do you think is best. Horizontal or vertical. I am leaning towards the horizontal. But I am not sure. Keep going back and forth. Thanks in advance for your input.

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As shown I like the horizontal and agree with Gordon and Yezdi above, if you went vertical it would balance better with more of the stem showing placing the flower and bird higher in the frame with less empty space above them.

That's a display or print perspective. From a commercial use perspective that empty space in the vertical is exactly where graphic artists would drop in text on a greeting card or cover photo so if you shoot stock or market your work, some images with extra space filled with soft background colors can be quite useful.

Great image BTW!
Thanks all. I will adjust the vertical shot. I did try having the flower and bird higher in the frame for the same reason you all mentioned. but I didn't like it much. But I will try again and see if it will grow on me. Thanks again.