Pantanal Pageant --- Some spectacular birds of the region

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Toco Toucan --- The world's largest toucan, synonymous with the Irish stout , Guinness, following a successful advertising campaign launched in 1935. The very large bill is serrated ( helpful for cracking nuts ) and its size helps as a heat regulator in times of severe high temperatures. Taken at Pocone, Pantanal with D7000 and Tamron 70-300mm. at 220mm. ISO 800, f5.6 1/320 sec.. 08/09/15.

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Hyacinth Macaws --- The world's largest parrot, still very rare due to the illegal pet trade ( which was removing up to 10,000 of these birds per year in the 1990's ). Numbers are now slowly recovering from a low of 1500 due to stringent fines but now egg poaching (much harder to detect ) is rife and habitat loss is making life very difficult for these magnificent birds ! Taken at Porto Jofre, Pantanal, same camera and lens, at 120mm. ISO 400, f5.6 1/80 sec.. 11/09/15.

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Jabiru Stork --- The tallest flying bird in the New World (only the Andean Condor has a slightly larger wingspan ) these creatures easily dwarf all of the many other wading birds in the Pantanal wetlands ! The red throat pouch swells up when the bird is "excited". ISO 200, @ 95mm., f4.2 1/1600 sec.. 08/09/15.
geen images all of birds I would So like to see wild! Have seen the top two in captivity, but never the giant at the bottom. And then, the place where your took it too!
geen images all of birds I would So like to see wild! Have seen the top two in captivity, but never the giant at the bottom. And then, the place where your took it too!
Thanks Callie --- Yep, if you can save up, get over there quick before further habitat destruction and wildfires take their toll ! It's certainly the second best place in the world for wondrous animals IMHO.