Paper Wasps (Look, don't touch!)

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Just leave us alone…
Stick-nest Brown Paper Wasps
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Stick-nest Brown Paper Wasps : Ropalidia revolutionalis
Body Length : 8–10 mm

Today's weather was horrid with the digital mercury dithering around, trying to decide whether to be a degree above or below forty. Not pleasant: I stayed indoors until late afternoon before taking a stroll, with camera of course, through the forest beyond our property.

Whack! I walked straight into these strings of paper wasp nests hanging from a low branch of a brush cherry tree (Syzygium australe). Instant pain! The culprits, not that they were to blame for having their labours disturbed, were twenty or so industrious native wasps who, having delivered their go-away warning returned to their never-ending labours. Their message was understood: Next time, look where you're blundering!

It'll be a day or two before the pain's gone completely.