Parson Bird

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Cleaning up files and ran across the only reasonably successful shots I managed to capture of the tui(aka parson bird). These were from a trip pre-covid.

_DSC3832_full rez.jpg
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Awesome pics. Love number 2 especially.
Thanks for the kind words.

Wow! Great set! #1 and 4 for me! I'd love to take about 3 weeks or so to photograph in Australia! I've been there twice, but never with my gear!
Glad you enjoyed the shots, Karen. The D7200/80-400mm made for a reasonably small/light travel kit. Not sure what I'll take this time. We're headed back down there this Nov/Dec. Likely for the last time to Oz. We'll probably go to NZ once more time.

Beautiful series! Thanks for sharing
Glad you enjoyed the post, Larry.

Super find, thanks for sharing
Thanks for commenting, Charles. Glad you enjoyed the shots.