Party trick… or simply can't hold his drink?

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Australian Magpie : Gymnorhina tibicen
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200 mm | ƒ/6.3 | 1/2500s | ISO 12800

Australian Magpie : Gymnorhina tibicen
South East Queensland

Great image of interesting behavior!
Karen, I'm not sure why this maggie was spurting water this way. The droplets to the left, and beyond, were (I'm guessing) flung into the air when its head was flicked in the opposite direction: 300º between right rotation and left in a fraction of a second. As we are so often warned: don't try this at home!

How wonderful is the wildlife that we observe and, with assistance from modern cameras, ponder over afterwards.

Thanks for looking and commenting.

… David