Peculiar eclipse photo - what happened?

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I was inside the path of totality for Monday's eclipse. Spectacular! It wasn't until afterwards that I discovered that every image I took beginning just before totality was a jpg. I suspect that was the default setting for the camera bank and I failed to notice it when I set it up. Darn, darn, darn (substitute something much saltier here for what was actually said). My real vexation is this picture. Where everyone else got diamond rings that put the Hope Diamond to shame, I got what feels like a cheap plastic knockoff. Any thoughts on what happened? More user error? I'm attaching the unretouched original (cropped slightly) and the version with exposure and shadows increased and highlights, whites, and blacks decreased. Sigh. I think I'm going to have to become an eclipse chaser to redeem myself.
peculiar eclipse artifact - original.jpg
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peculiar eclipse artifact.jpg
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