Peekaboo Elk

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Nikon D6; 180-400 @ 400, handheld. Jasper NP, Alberta

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I think you've been spotted Steve (y)
He soon ignored me except when my hat blew off and forgetting where I was I yelled after it LOL He spent most of his time enjoying his willow leaf meal which made for not at all interesting shots, or hid most of his face behind shrub! :)
Very Nice Steven!

How are you liking the new lens? Your images with it look fantastic.
Thanks. I'm liking it a lot. Hand holding it this trip exclusively; have come upon no wildlife that isn't moving along and I have to follow or change angle drastically to get around trees or other obstructions.; switching between standing and kneeling and lower quite a bit too, which is how I'm used to shooting with shorter lenses. Confirming too that I made the right choice starting with a zoom -- spending lots of time up and down the 180 to 400 range to get shots. Many gorgeous fall coloured meadows and alluvial plains that a herd of elk would complete nicely and I could settle in with the tripod, but nada so far :)
It's so close for me.... I got a detached cabin and brought my all my food so could maintain my COVID isolation protocols. Been into the townsite a couple of times; impressed that most people are wearing masks outside on the street!
Now I'm really jealous ... spending isolation in a cabin in Jasper Park - that sounds awful (not)! :)
So is that thing the greatest zoom lens or what? Looks like you are getting it dialed in nicely.
Thanks. I'm liking it a lot. Hand holding it this trip exclusively; have come upon no wildlife that isn't moving along and I have to follow or change angle drastically to get around trees or other obstructions.; switching between standing and kneeling and lower quite a bit too, which is how I'm used to shooting with shorter lenses. Confirming too that I made the right choice starting with a zoom -- spending lots of time up and down the 180 to 400 range to get shots. Many gorgeous fall coloured meadows and alluvial plains that a herd of elk would complete nicely and I could settle in with the tripod, but nada so far :)
Now I'm really jealous ... spending isolation in a cabin in Jasper Park - that sounds awful (not)! :)
Yah, I should have worked from here all summer LOL
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