Perched Peregrine Falcon color or B&W

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I am curious which version people prefer. Color, B&W, neither or both. Brutal honesty is not only appreciated but is encouraged. Thanks, Ken
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In terms of "brutal honesty", I would say that, on my screen at least, the slightly warm tone of the background on the B&W version isn't doing you any favors. Maybe that's just me. So if that was your intent, feel free to ignore this comment. ;)
In terms of "brutal honesty", I would say that, on my screen at least, the slightly warm tone of the background on the B&W version isn't doing you any favors. Maybe that's just me. So if that was your intent, feel free to ignore this comment. ;)
Mike: To me that is one of the "problems" with digital photographs and computer monitors. On my screen it is basically white. Evidently, on your monitor it looks like sepia toned? That was not my intent. Thanks for the comment. Ken
Mike: To me that is one of the "problems" with digital photographs and computer monitors. On my screen it is basically white. Evidently, on your monitor it looks like sepia toned? That was not my intent. Thanks for the comment. Ken
FWIW - The whites in the B&W rendering look yellowish/pale sepia on my calibrated monitor. Check the RBG values of the background.
I like using B&W in many other forms of photography - not as a rule but as an artistic possibility - but when it comes to wildlife B&W is an exception for me. Usually B&W either adds something special to the image or more often color isn't working well because there are some distracting colors in the background etc.

I am actually interested in why it is that most of us seem to use almost always color in wildlife photography. Is it because we try to capture nature's beauty or grandeur, which we experience best in color?