Peregrine Falcon chick takes food from parent, crowds parent off pier and other clips

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The first 1 1/2 minutes of this video has two neat Peregrine Falcon chick actions. First, one of the chicks steals the food away from the adult and hurries back under the bridge with it and the other chick goes to the adult and crowds it off the pier! The second is one of the chicks laying down and then giving a look to camera. The rest of the video is another food delivery and mom Falcon feeding it to the falcon chicks and their actions. Filmed from 1/4 mile away. Hannibal, MO at the Mississippi River bridge. 6.12.24
R5 RF200-800 RF2X 4K crop mode
Hi Dave,

I finally took the time needed to watch this video and I must say, I can hardly believe you shot this from a 1/4 mile away. Amazing that anything was discernable at all, and yet you can see the birds clearly and make out their actions. Great job on giving us this window into their world. Nice music too, it really moves things along nicely. (y) (y) (y)

Rudy :)
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Hi Dave,

I finally took the time needed to watch this video and I must say, I can hardly believe you shot this from a 1/4 mile away. Amazing that anything was discernable at all, and yet you can the bird clearly and make out their actions. Great job on giving us this window into the world. Nice music too, it really moves things along nicely. (y) (y) (y)

Rudy :)
Thank You Rudy!
I also can't believe I shot at this distance. Not even close to good quality, but I was happy to get something, after watching the parents for the last 6 years , on and off!