Peregrine Falcon

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I had the opportunity to see some birds I haven't and probably won't see in the wild via participation in a birds of prey workshop at a local park sponsored by a camera dealer I utilize. One of the birds was a Peregrine Falcon, which I took numerous photos of, constrained by the fact it had tethers on it. It felt a bit different not spotting the birds in the wild, but I still enjoyed photographing the falcon and the other birds present at the workshop.


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500mm PF with 1.4x TC, 1/2000, f/8, IOS 800


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500mm PF with 1.4x TC, 1/3200, f/8, IOS 1600


Nikon Z8, Nikon 500mm PF with 1.4x TC, 1/3200, f/8, IOS 1800