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I carefully worked my way the jetty to find a nice spot to sit to photograph the Harlequin ducks and Old Squaw ducks. I found a nice flat sitting boulder with a great view of the water against the jetty wall. The ducks would fly into the jetty and drift back out to the Atlantic, and repeat the process over and over. Sometimes they were out of camera range, but some were frame-fillers. I got a new series of photos and decided to relocate. That is when the "flop" happened. The last photograph was taken after the fall. Nikon is now repairing the lens.
Harlequin Drake-1-3 Steve.jpg
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Harlequin Hen-1 Steve.jpg
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Longtail Drake Hen in Flight-1 Steve.jpg
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Longtail Ducks in Flight-1-6 Steve.jpg
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Barnegat Jetty BW-1 Steve.jpg
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I am not entirely clear if the flop was just the camera or if you went in with it? I hope it's the former.
I slipped on the rocks fell and my camera and lens ended up between the rocks in a large separation. I held onto the camera, sprained my right wrist, destroyed a 1.4x teleconverter, and had to send the lens to Nikon as manual focus does not function (auto focus works), the D5 appears to be okay.
I slipped on the rocks fell and my camera and lens ended up between the rocks in a large separation. I held onto the camera, sprained my right wrist, destroyed a 1.4x teleconverter, and had to send the lens to Nikon as manual focus does not function (auto focus works), the D5 appears to be okay.
Sorry about your wrist; hopefully the rest of you is okay. Sorry about the lens and converter as well, but those can be replaced. Your welfare is infinitely more important.
Only a wrist sprain, thank God. Do you have camera insurance?
I have looked at insurance numerous times but never pulled the trigger. Even though this seems like "Locking the barn door after the horse got out", USAA has gotten a call and now I will have the insurance. You always think it won't happen to me, but it did.
A couple of nice photos there, but pretty expensive ones.
It sure was, 9 hour drive from Ohio, 3 nights in an hotel, 9 hour drive home and only shoot about 3 hours in the morning. I had planned to shoot at the jetty for 3 days, then 5 days at Edwin Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (NJ), followed by a short drive to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (DE) for 3 days. Time to reschedule.