Pied Kingfisher tossing

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I love it when they toss the fish, and then dive into the water to wash-off the scales.
Same image shot in portrait, and cropped into landscape.
Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens, ROODEPOORT
This is a juvie male.
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03399W D5OO 3041.jpg
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Great image Callie! Tack sharp and excellent composition. The action shots you present are so much more interesting than static poses like you see in field guides. More please!
Great image Callie! Tack sharp and excellent composition. The action shots you present are so much more interesting than static poses like you see in field guides. More please!
Thank you Larry. I have so many such images, the problem is getting to time to fix them. This KF, and his parents were present everyday for at least 4 weeks before a cold spell killed-off the fish. Later-on, I was only shooting the dives into and out of the water, for images of the killing and swallowing of the fish were piled up. I must have a couple of 1000 images just of Pied KF's with fish. And then there are Giant, Malachite and Half-collared as well.
here are some I posted before, I think:
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Great images. Nice to see the tossing action.
Thank you, Phil.
Wow! The additional images are terrific! The first one appears to be two males “disassembling” a frog 🐸. The one with the sunfish (?) being chased is really cool! 🤩
Larry, the frog exchange is daughter getting breakfast from dad, she is on the right.
The fishy was robbed off a reed cormorant and one thief is chasing the other. My fish knowledge is zero, it is just a tilapia or such.
The male as two off breast stripes, the female only one!
It is interesting how much longer the beak is than the Belted KF. Awesome photos! It sounds like you have a family of KFs to study and photograph. One of the juveniles I am watching caught a fish almost its same size. Tried to take off, landed back in the water, tried again but eventually had to drop the fish - lesson learned on what size fish to catch.
Thank you Larry. I have so many such images, the problem is getting to time to fix them. This KF, and his parents were present everyday for at least 4 weeks before a cold spell killed-off the fish. Later-on, I was only shooting the dives into and out of the water, for images of the killing and swallowing of the fish were piled up. I must have a couple of 1000 images just of Pied KF's with fish. And then there are Giant, Malachite and Half-collared as well.
here are some I posted before, I think:
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Callie, awesome set. Not easy to do. Well done👍👍👍