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Pileated in yard at feeder tree .jpg
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2. Confrontation:
Pileated-squirrel confrontation 3536.jpg
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We can hear them down here in Essex County! I'm still waiting for one to show up. But I like your idea of attaching a suet directly to a tree. That makes a lot of sense, although we will be feeding the four-legged grey variant here. It's worth the price if one shows up!
We can hear them down here in Essex County! I'm still waiting for one to show up. But I like your idea of attaching a suet directly to a tree. That makes a lot of sense, although we will be feeding the four-legged grey variant here. It's worth the price if one shows up!
it works...when the four legged variety are distracted by peanuts and black oil sunflower seeds...they don't touch the the suet - rarely blue jays but as a rule only woodpeckers and nuthatches to the suet