Pipevine swallowtail butterflies

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Nice Steven! I love butterfly videos!

I haven't done any since I lost having 240p after moving from Sony to Nikon but that's been remedied (finally) with the Z6III so I'm looking forward to getting back to them.
Nice Steven! I love butterfly videos!

I haven't done any since I lost having 240p after moving from Sony to Nikon but that's been remedied (finally) with the Z6III so I'm looking forward to getting back to them.
Thank you. They are a challenge to do. I shot these at 120 with the A1 but will most likely do some 240 next week. I’ve used on hummingbirds and it’s pretty awesome.
Thank you. They are a challenge to do. I shot these at 120 with the A1 but will most likely do some 240 next week. I’ve used on hummingbirds and it’s pretty awesome.
Absolutely. I love trying to capture butterflies in flight -- very tough to do but the results are rewarding...so much better than shooting stills.
Absolutely. I love trying to capture butterflies in flight -- very tough to do but the results are rewarding...so much better than shooting stills.
I agree and we’re just really starting to see them show up in this area. It has been severely dry, so the milkweed has been a little late to bloom. I hope we get some rain soon so the populations will increase.