Pipevine Swallowtail

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I came across a sunlit bank that was covered in Wild Bergamot recently. There were several Pipevine Swallowtails feeding on the Bergamot. These swallowtail's never keep their wings still so I resorted to trying the same sort of technique used for hummingbirds. Manual flash at 1/32, manual exposure at 1/200s and f/18 using a Z7 and 300PF lens. Came out pretty good.

Pipevine 4.jpg
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I would say so; I think it came out great. Easier said than done in this situation, but if the butterflies were returning to the same flower it would have been nice to pull the far green stem out of the way. Still, very nice. I wonder if the bluish eye is "steel eye" like the birds get with flash.