Pixelation on photos

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OK. This is happening rarely but is concerning to me. Also had Err message and sent it to be looked at. Told it was dirt. Err happened again after 100 photos then stopped. Send it away or is this normal?


  • DRA_5085-2.jpg
    431.3 KB · Views: 84
I agree with the posts above, that's typically a memory card problem. I'd probably try a full format on the memory card but if it happens again after that I'd replace the memory card.
The camera is a Z9. I did isolate the original ERR message to slot 1. It happens infrequently. Photoflicker enabled wouldn't have an effect? Yes, I have continued using my Prograde Cobalt , which I've had for 18 months, and would last longer. I see they have a three-year warranty but I'm in Australia. I'll sound out their support service.
ProGrade support was excellent. Used the Refresh software and found I needed a firmware update. I installed the same and 'cleaned' the cards. All good so far.
ProGrade stressed they will honour their warranty. This is particularly good for those of us outside the USA.