Play of light and shadow on a tree alignment

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This majestic entrance of an old estate is located west from Quebec city.
D500 + 17-55 f/2.8 + polarizing filter + tripod @ 1/30, f/11, ISO 100

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I agree that this is a wonderful image. However, there seems to be some reverse keystone effect from the camera being pointed down. It seems to me that it would be even stronger with a little perspective adjustment.
Thank you for your feedback; I tried to understand what you mean by 'reverse keystone'? when I took this photo, I took care to keep the camera at the level, not being pointed down; may be there is something which could be improved as perspective adjustment; I will take a look on Lightroom for that.
What I meant by reverse keystone is that the trees that are away from the center line seem to me to splay outward from bottom to top. I get this when I forget to level the camera. However, since you did level it, that can't be the case here. Nevertheless, I get a slight sense of falling backward when I look at the image. I guess it's just me. Be that as it may, this is a very evocative image that I like very much.