Hi, if you check out the person's name I've posted above and the video link I'm now posting, that will give you some insights. The scenes I've done were all set up indoors on a counter. I had to experiment with several stem pieces to find one where the drop would stick for a sufficient time for me to compost for the shot. Something like a pine needle would work well I think. You can use plain water or glycerin and maybe both as needed, spray the front subject with water and see if the drops form: if not, try the glycerine. You will need to purchase a needle to drop the glycerin, none of the pharmacies would sell me one but a friend had a package and gave me one, she had been experimenting, too. You can buy needles online. The flower in back is set up on a "helping hand" type of device and the very small piece of stem in front was set up on an individual stand. I used a macro lens with a macro ring to get close enough. You set up the front subject, focus, then set up the back subject and move it around until it fills the drops the way you want and then refocus on the drop or drops. You can use natural or artificial light but the water drops will reflect the light and whatever else is in the background so you have to look for that. You can remove some stuff in PS. It takes a bit of time to figure it all out. Use a very large flower for the back subject. Watch the videos.