Please critique my beginner pictures

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These images show a clear understanding of composition and light; far from what you would usually expect from a "beginner". A few comments:

Image #1 is striking; I would love to see the color version as well. The blurred/dark area at the far right is distracting to my eye...I might have cropped just that sliver.
On image #2, the blurred stick in the foreground, as well as the lighter area on the right-hand side, draw your eye away from the subject. Beautiful light and composition.
On image #3, the background clutter is intrusive, but again the light and composition are spot on.
I love image #4; I might have cloned/replaced the small OOF clump of grass in the background to the right of the bird. Beautiful image.

All of my comments are nit-picking; you have a strong eye. Well done!