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Well-known member
After years of trying, I finally got a Kingfisher entering the water to catch a fish. Not ideal. I would've preferred the belted side as this is a female but I was very happy with it.
Kingfisher Touches the Water_small.jpg
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Phenomenal, Robert! I haven't even been able to get close enough to a perched kingfisher to get a decent image, let alone just breaking the water. Well done!
You managed what probably all of us dream of all the time. Wonderful work, congrats! (y)
thank you. Like many of us, connections to locations are our gateway to opportunities. I was lucky to learn of a non-skittish (for lack of a better word) kingfisher making its home at a local lake. Then it was just a matter of patience and waiting until she dove down.
Congrats. Very nice shot. I managed the beak entering the water shot with a gull this past summer; not the same thing tho -- way up on the bucket list is the Kingfisher in this 'pose' :)