Prairie Dogs

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When in Longmont CO, there is a very nice park at Mcintosh Lake. It is a great place to photograph sunrises and sunsets, go for a nice walk, and to capture wildlife including a small prairie dog town. The walkway winds through their living area allowing one to get closer for good photos. The following shots are all uncropped. The shots at first light on the grass were the best (6/25) while there were more clouds for the others (6/28).

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I was photographing these fellows in Yellowstone and hearing what I thought were bird calls. When I used my telephoto lens to observer one it became evident that the bird calls were actually calls from these rodents. I have heard ground squirrels doing this as well and confusing the Merlin audio bird ID. I have wanted to go back and record their calls ever since.
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Cute critters, Joe!
I was photographing these fellows in Yellowstone and hearing what I thought were bird calls. When I used my telephoto lens to observer one it became evident that the bird calls were actually calls from these rodents. I have heard ground squirrels doing this as well and confusing the Merlin audio bird ID. I have wanted to go back and record their calls ever since.
Thank you. The can be very vocal critters and are always on the lookout for predators including snakes underground and raptors from above.
I have heard them making very melodious calls that were not warning calls. I have some on my property and they have a variety of calls they make when threatended or angry that do not resemble anything made by a bird.
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