Problem with d7500 monitor any suggestions

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My d7500. Monitor does not come on when I take a picture . However when I push the review button I can see it. I’ve looked at the settings and they seem fine . Prior to this th Elena I had on stopped focusing . I reattached the lens and it is fine. I also tried the lens on another camera and it is working fine . Before sending It for repair is there anyth8ng I should do , like clean the contacts of the camera body . To me it seems like a contact problem since it did stop focusing for a while. And now the monitor does not come on . Thanks for any suggestions .
The issue has been resolved . It’s a Classic case of being in a hurry and then a slight mishap . While getting the camera ready I attached my 70-200 to the 7500 . I don’t think it was properly locked , I remived it and carefully put it on the camera , and then it worked fine. As for the rear monitor then putting the camera into the bag the eye cup moved slightly blocking the sensor that turns off the monitor when it comes into your eye . Everything it’s fine but a good lesson learned that the old saying is hast makes waste , and to realize when putting the camera into a bag or elsewhere it is easy to also accidentally change a setting. Much to my relief the camera didn’t have to go to the repair shop. Another word of warning ..make sure you keep your warranty cards in a secure place , and the bill of sale . Take a photo of them , or better register them on line while thinking the 7500 was destined to the repair shop it was the only camera And. Lens I could not find the warranty card for. Maybe someone will benefit from my experience . I’m enjoying the forums immensely .Mike