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At first glance, you think this can't be real. Then you examine the beak detail and see that it is. Nice feather sharpness on the cheek. I personally might be tempted to enhance the eye reflection/glint just a bit in post-edit, unless Puffin eyes have this characteristic. The colors are gorgeous. Great shot.
At first glance, you think this can't be real. Then you examine the beak detail and see that it is. Nice feather sharpness on the cheek. I personally might be tempted to enhance the eye reflection/glint just a bit in post-edit, unless Puffin eyes have this characteristic. The colors are gorgeous. Great shot.
thanks and good idea, there is something in the reflection on the eye that will need to go or it will be too obvious
Fitting that this thread was bumped. For any who don't know Randy passed a few weeks ago. Shooting puffins in Farne Islands was one of his favorites. He was one awesome photographer and a nice guy.