Purple Gallinule

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Purple Gallinule have huge feet that helps them hang on to plant in the marsh and walk on Spatter Dock and Lily Pads
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@Irap - These are really nice. I’m in Fort Myers for a little while, might I find them near here?
You should make your way to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, its in Naples (not too far away). Its owned by the Audubon Society. Its a Cypress Swamp Boardwalk with huge old Cypress tree and plenty of wildlife. I've been there a number of times. It's easy to photograph wildlife there. It's a very long boardwalk trail through the a cypress swamp. There is an entry fee, but if you are an Audubon Member there is a discount. You might see Purple Gallinule there. I don't know Ft Myers that well, I live on the southeast part of Florida. I'm sure there are other places in that area. Let me know if you get to the Boynton Beach area and I'd be happy to show you around.
I found this site for you.

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