Question for Z6iii Owners

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I got fed up with waiting for the Z8 to arrive when I had my D850 and wanted to get a Nikon mirrorless camera. In 2018 I bought the D850 and loved it, but in that year I also bought a mint used Fuji XT-1 to see what all this mirroless lark was all about..

Fast forward a few years and I had 2 x Fuji XT-4s, 10 lenses and the D850 was not getting much use. I also bought a mint Sony a7ii to use exclusively with my vintage manual focus lenses as the Fujis being a crop sensor made the wide angle lenses longer by 1.5x and I missed the 20-24mm focal lengths. Being a 20+ year Nikon user I did look at the Z6 but a good used one was way over my budget and the Z5 was not out then. The Sony a7ii did a great gob at half of the cost of a Z6. When I bought the Z6ii I sold the Sony, but still miss it a bit.

So I was sold on the advantages of mirrorless cameras but the Z8 was not even on the horizon so I decided to sell my D850 before prices went down and get a Z camera. The obvious choice was the Z7/7ii, but it was not any equivalent to the D850. So I did some research and found that the Z6/Z7 cameras were more brothers rather than one being a step up the ladder with each one excelling in different areas. I decided to go for the Z6ii as I had to get a new boiler for my central heating and I spent £1200 on my car, so the £1000 cheaper cost was welcome.

I'm OK with the Z6ii but there are some things that irk me. For manual focusing I have a coupe of buttons set to zoom in 50% and 100%, just as I had on the Sony. but the difference is that with the Sony as soon as you got the shutter half pressed the VF image snapped back to normal so you can check the framing before shooting where the Z6ii you have to press the assigned button again. Sounds petty, but it is really annoying. and that tiny delay can cost you the image. Frame rates. The Z6ii does up to 5.5 fps, then jumps to 14 fps. I shoot quite a lot at 7-9 fps and 15-18 fps. I've been spoilt by my Fujis with their equivalent to the i menu having 16 spaces, the seamless frame rates up to the maxand so many customisable buttons.

Earlier this year I swapped one of my XT-4s for an XH-2s.

So does the Z6iii snap back to normal from being punched in for manual focusing at a touch of the shutter release, and is the frame rate selection better (seamless options from 5 fps to the max ) or does it jump like the Z6ii? The Z6iii has the new EVF and is almost there for me, but if it has the same issues for me as the Z6ii I think I'll pass on it and try to get a Z8, although I've not yet checked the Z8 out on the issues I need answers to..
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