Quiet, dark Monhegan Island, Maine

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I'll try again.
DT Sheridan on the rocks.jpg
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Cool stuff. The blue cast from the light around the wreck almost makes it look like it's frozen in ice on a quick glance. Too bad the milky way isn't a little more over to the left, but nice that you got to capture it.
Cool stuff. The blue cast from the light around the wreck almost makes it look like it's frozen in ice on a quick glance. Too bad the milky way isn't a little more over to the left, but nice that you got to capture it.
Yep, you're right. But, you had to be there, alone, in the dark. The rocks around the wreck are treacherous and you have to jump from one to the other to get into position. And it's a long ways out in the dark. Actually, this is one frame of a not so successful pano. I used to scuba dive on wrecks in about 130 ft of water and it was all blue until you got about 50 ft away and the wreck would be lying in the sand like the photo. Brings back memories for me. Of course, for everyone else, it's "why didn't he put the MW behind the wreck?" I do understand. Thanks for your comments.