Rainbow Lorikeet.

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Beautiful little Parrot. But I wish they'd sleep in occasionally. They are so very noisy....
Rainbow Lorikeet..jpeg
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What a gorgeous parrot and a great capture. As for waking you up ... hmmm, I think I might forgive it because it is too good looking (and I am a hard core night person)
What a gorgeous parrot and a great capture. As for waking you up ... hmmm, I think I might forgive it because it is too good looking (and I am a hard core night person)

Ha ha Kathy. When you have a large flock of them feeding in a flowering tree next to your home, the noise is deafening.
But, you are right, they are beautiful. It's hard to stay angry with them for long, and I can think of a lot worse ways to be woken up :).
I would have to agree with you on that one. We don't get many Corellas around my way, but there's huge flocks of them in the Grampian Ranges. No sleeping in there.