Ravens on ice

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A week or so before Christmas I went in search of a group of ravens (corvus corax) to photograph along the North Saskatchewan river (where I most often see them in number). Found 'em quickly (we've got lots here, even downtown, often) but they refused to come to my side of the river so I had to settle for just enjoying listening to them plonking and quonking and watching them do aerobatics with each other over the frozen river. There were seven in total out on the ice -- near some melt ponds so likely there to drink -- and I could hear several more on the opposite bank in the trees.

Anyway, they never did get in proper reach of my lens but took a few shots anyway, and I like the result.
shadow and ice.jpg
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shadow and ice 3.jpg
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shadow and ice 2.jpg
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Not a nice environment for us warm-blooded Africans! It makes me shiver here in about 30C where I sit bare feet and in shorts and t-shirt!
But nice images, Steven!
Not a nice environment for us warm-blooded Africans! It makes me shiver here in about 30C where I sit bare feet and in shorts and t-shirt!
But nice images, Steven!
Thanks. It would in normal climate times have been MINUS 30C here by now a few times, at least overnight temps; had approaching -20 only a handful of nights, so far. We can still expect a few weeks straight of -20 to -40 weather into Feb. Consolation is it's very dry here and the skies often utterly cloudless, so a beauty that will kill you fast, well, faster than plus 30 and humidity :)
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