Really Impressed with Z8 auto-auto focus ability

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Supporting Member
I got the Z8 about two weeks ago and so far have only shot hummers at my feeder with it. I am, however, really blown away by the way the auto-auto focus setting works. When I first got the Z9 I was leery of letting the camera take over the auto-focus function but I did try it several times and it worked OK. I'd say they did a great job on the Z8! I put the camera on auto-auto focus (this is where you don't set the exposure/focus icon but let the camera set it) and I've gotten a lot of really nice keepers. On this one, using the camera with a PF 500 and standing maybe 10 feet away (the hummers don't really mind me, they zip right past my head and actually fly up to almost my face at times) the camera locked on and grabbed this shot. Every detail is apparent, it grabbed right on the eye of the bird. It's fast enough to keep up with the hummer action (there are six of them sucking my two feeders dry over the course of about two days) for the most part, a few blurred images.

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