Recommended lenses for a Mexico land trip, cruise on the Sea of Cortez & Baja California Sur

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Hello all, I am heading over to Mexico from the UK in February for about a month and whilst I have read other forums regarding my question they were from 2022 so I just thought I would see if there is any updated advice based on newer equipment. I am covering a large area, Mexico city, driving down to Oaxaca, flying over to La Paz, week on an UnCruise trip, and a relax on Baja California Sur area.

My main photo subject is wildlife and travel and I have a range of kit aimed at that Nikon Z9 & Z8 bodies, lenses I intended to take are 14-30, 24-120, 100-400, 600pf and a 1.4 converter. For street life I have a Fuji X100T

My question is really about lenses to pack….am I likely to use the 600pf, is there the wildlife (including birdlife) to warrant taking this. I know I have a converter but that takes it to f9. I also have an 800pf would there be any benefit in taking that as it will mean an extra bag/case with all the associated issues with that.

Any advice from people who have been in that area would be useful in helping me make my decision, very often you can have just too many choices!!!!,