Recycler Thrips

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A number of species of thrips are pests of agricultural or ornamental plants, but many others recycle dead plant material or feed on fungi. Here's a species of recycler thrips (young and adult) that lives beneath the bark of dead trees -- I haven't determined the species as yet. The insects are no more than one millimeter long.

Recycler Thrips.JPG
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Very cool. I've never seen these, and I look for insects to photograph quite a bit. Will have to Google these and check them out on iNaturalist to learn more! Nice shot Woody. P.S., just noticed and briefly visited your forestandfield blog. Very nice.
Those are the first of that species I've ever seen -- they were beneath the bark of a dead apple tree and so small I couldn't even tell they were insects until I focused the macro lens. The little buggers were tightly clustered together when I raised the bark but quickly dispersed -- they're really fast for something so small (actually a bit less than 1 mm long). Had to take the photo hand-held -- unfortunately.
Those are the first of that species I've ever seen -- they were beneath the bark of a dead apple tree and so small I couldn't even tell they were insects until I focused the macro lens. The little buggers were tightly clustered together when I raised the bark but quickly dispersed -- they're really fast for something so small (actually a bit less than 1 mm long). Had to take the photo hand-held -- unfortunately.
Thanks Woody. I’ll keep an eye out for these guys!