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Nice! I take it your liking that macro lens. With Nikon bodies I've used the Nikon 60 and 105mm and the older Sigma 150 and newer Sigma 105 macro lenses and I feel like this 90mm Sony lens is at least as good as the Nikon 105 and better than the Sigma's and the Nikon 60 (more for reach/distance compared to the Nikon 60).
Nice! I take it your liking that macro lens. With Nikon bodies I've used the Nikon 60 and 105mm and the older Sigma 150 and newer Sigma 105 macro lenses and I feel like this 90mm Sony lens is at least as good as the Nikon 105 and better than the Sigma's and the Nikon 60 (more for reach/distance compared to the Nikon 60).
Thank you. I honestly think it might be the best macro lens I've used. I used both versions of the Nikon 105mm as well as the 200mm f/4 and this lens IMO is slightly better. I wish they would make a 150mm lol but this is really good for 90mm.
These are really nice! Did you use flash handheld?
Thank you. Yea sir I used on camera flash TTL with a 9” on flash diffuser. I almost feel it works better than off camera with this setup. I angle it down toward the lens as far as possible.
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Nice setup! Who makes that diffuser?
I bought several setups over the years including 8-10 of these things and find this one is fantastic. The good thing about this one is it falls down some and all the other ones I’ve had would not do that. I bought this one off of Amazon I think it was around $20 and I’m thinking about buying another one just to have for a spare in case they stop making them.
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I'll have to look into one of those. Does it come with that "snoot" that extends it from the flash?
No that’s just the speedlight itself. I have the Godox V1 which is the round head type. This will fit on the rectangular as well as the round.