Red-Eyed Tree Frog and Masked Tree Frog of Costa Rica

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Jerry Watson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
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Very nice. I'm surprised they aren't focus stacked, even at F11 I wouldn't think the depth of field would be that good with a dedicated macro lens. Are they naturally lit as well or were you using flash/LED light panel?
Very nice. I'm surprised they aren't focus stacked, even at F11 I wouldn't think the depth of field would be that good with a dedicated macro lens. Are they naturally lit as well or were you using flash/LED light panel?
Thank you. We had some light well away from the subjects but natural light was coming through the trees. I was with Hudson Henry and he was also surprised at the DOF.
No focus stack. I love the Z105. Note that the lens was at F/9 - F/11
Jerry, I see you shot at 1/200 shutter speed. Are the shots hand held? With that lens you must have been pretty close. Were the frogs skittish, moving around alot? Sorry for all the questions, but I’m thinking about a trip to Costa Rica and wondering if generally you need flash and diffusers for frog images. Did you get any snake photos?
Jerry, I see you shot at 1/200 shutter speed. Are the shots hand held? With that lens you must have been pretty close. Were the frogs skittish, moving around alot? Sorry for all the questions, but I’m thinking about a trip to Costa Rica and wondering if generally you need flash and diffusers for frog images. Did you get any snake photos?
All shots were hand held. We were mostly under a canopy of trees. I tried to keep ISO from getting to high. The frogs were mostly still with an occasional jump. We did get images of of snakes which I will post at another date.

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