Red-eyed Vireo

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How red can the eye of this vireo appear? I find with these birds the sun has to strike the eye directly for it to reflect red light. If not the eye appears dark brown.
Out of numerous images of this little guy I managed very few where the red showed in the eye. Since the bird was mostly in the shade in the foliage its pupils were dilated, leaving only a small area around them to show the beautiful red colour.

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How red can the eye of this vireo appear? I find with these birds the sun has to strike the eye directly for it to reflect red light. If not the eye appears dark brown.
Out of numerous images of this little guy I managed very few where the red showed in the eye. Since the bird was mostly in the shade in the foliage its pupils were dilated, leaving only a small area around them to show the beautiful red colour.

View attachment 42109
What a beautiful image