Red Squirrel with, not surprisingly, his mouth open.

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This shot is about the one that got away. I watched, hand holding, this guy through the viewfinder a lot waiting for him to do more than just look at me (#1) and he did by trilling loudly (#2) as these wee beasties like to do. When he stopped yelling I foolishly chose that moment to chimp the shots and as I looked up from the screen he was just finishing up a stretch; him hanging downward by his back feet reaching out fully extended with his front legs and head (a posture I've seen these guys adopt many times but never caught on cam). I asked him to do it again but he just yelled at me again and was off to the next tree....

D6; 300 PF (w/ 1.4 iii tc).

Pine squirrel.jpg
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Pine squirrel 2.jpg
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Live and learn ~ sigh ~ how many times have I taken my eye off the subject just as he does something nice like that stretch - I have missed the identical thing here with our tree squirrels! Love they way is his telling you off in #2.
Live and learn ~ sigh ~ how many times have I taken my eye off the subject just as he does something nice like that stretch - I have missed the identical thing here with our tree squirrels! Love they way is his telling you off in #2.
Will I learn tho is the question LOL
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