Red Tulip past its prime

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Wink Jones

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I went out a few days ago to walk the dog and since I did not have my camera, I saw the hen who had been with the dominant drake with eleven brand new ducklings. Since the ducklings have hatched, el Macho is no where to be seen. I have carried the camera every day since and seen no sign of her, or her ducklings. I did see the lonely hearts club of six drakes this morning, but could not get close enough to take a good photo. I did stop at my neighbors house yesterday and shot some of his flowers. Here is the first one I have processed, I love the look of the flower whose petals have mostly fallen this morning.

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This red tulip was a few feet away from the first and I really like the single petal that is distancing itself from the flower as a whole.

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And the scourge dandelions coming to the South Side of the Street from the North side dandelion lovers...

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And finally, a squirrel that jumped up on the fence while I was walking on the ditch bank.

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P.S. For those who may not have gotten the joke, the six Lonely Hearts Club drakes are those who did not contribute to the gene pool this season. They have been moping about together.