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Supporting Member
My very first captures of a reddish egret. Ha! Right! I think I get more shots of this bird than any other.

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Very nice action! Did you get af issues in this photoshot?
Thanks, Nick. I sure did, but that's mostly because my big lens isn't the fastest to begin with (and it's older now, going on 6yrs.) and the bird changes direction on you real fast when you're zoomed in, so the camera loses track. It just dawned on me that a reddish egret's eye is not dark like most birds, it's a pale yellowish green, so there isn't as much contrast for the camera to pick up on and hold onto so I'm thinking there's a good chance that may affect the tracking even more.
I must say though, my hit rate is better with the R7 than the 80D was with the same lens. I get a lot more keepers so for a hobbyist's lens and camera, it isn't bad, imo, and it didn't cost more than my motorcycle, lol! ;)
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