Regent Bowerbird in flight

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O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat in Queensland is an amazing location for bird photography, but also a place that makes one think about the ethics of bird photography. All of the birds seen near the lodge are ridiculously habituated to humans, as the resort hands out bird feed for free at the lodge. While photographing king parrots and crimson rosellas there, I had birds land on my head, my arm, and my camera, as they are sure that any person there has food. Nonetheless, the birds are free-flying and wild, in the sense that they do feed elsewhere and nest in the area. One of the birds commonly seen around the lodge are Regent Bowerbirds, the male of which is the logo for the resort. So I am posting this image of a male Regent Bowerbird in the face of the disclosure above just because these males are so striking in appearance. I had purposely positioned myself to catch this male as he flew back and forth across a deeply shadowed background.
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bowerbirds build an elaborate bower to attract females, rather than try to attract them with crazy feather ornamentation. The bowers are often decorated with flowers, fruits, etc. that are unique to each species.
What an interesting bird! Nice position in flight, but the OOF feathers on the right and bottom do not seem to have a natural edge or blur. They appear more "chiseled" for lack of a better term.
O'Reilly's is an interesting place. It has changed a lot of the years. The film 'The Riddle of the Stinson' gives some background as to how the place started. The film can be seen for free on youtube.
Like yourself I prefer wild untouched places but then as soon as I find one I'm there so it is no longer untouched so .....
I find ethics very confusing. I much prefer the mental gymnastics that come with speculative analytic ontology.
Once I figured out I can't change the world life became much simpler.