Replace a Nikon D610 with the Z5?

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I have a Nikon D850 and a D610. Should I consider replacing the D610 with the Z5? I own the following lenses Nikkor 50mm f1.4, 14-24mm f2.8 and 70-200mm f2.8. Also a Tamron 150-600 G2. If replacing the D610, any recommendations on getting a Z-mount lens or stick with the current lot with an FTZ adapter? TIA.
Short answer is, I don’t think I have a category. I bought the D610 as a second camera for an African safari so as to not have to change lenses. (You provided someone excellent advice on pairing the lenses to the bodies). I guess my real question is, is it worth replacing it now with the Z5 to get some experience with mirrorless, or should one wait for the Z8(?) to see if autofocus gets better.
I'd say if you're not in a hurry to wait. In addition to the rumored Z8 in 2021, it sounds like we will see a Z6 Z7 "S" this year. These new "s" variants may be much better in the AF Dept.