Rhino landscape

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Supporting Member
Rhino landscape - somewhere, out there ~ what a lovely animal - worth more dead than alive, it seems! :mad:
D4; 70-200 F/2.8 @ 195 mm; F/7.1; 1/2000; ISO 800

D4W 8874.jpg
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D4; 70-200 F/2.8 @ 140 mm; F/7.1; 1/2000; ISO 800

D4W 8893.jpg
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Super Callie... They need to get aggressive with these people, not only the ones that kill them but the ones that sell as well... if there is no market then it makes it a mute point.
Once again it shows how a small number of idiots ruins a good thing. Zero tolerance...
Nice shots of a majestic animal! I hear you loud and clear on the point of low value put on non human life. I live where bears can be hunted (and grizzlies are designated a 'threatened' species here) and where there is even a bounty offered not just on wolves themselves but at times for simply putting out baited wolf traps.
Nice shots of a majestic animal! I hear you loud and clear on the point of low value put on non human life. I live where bears can be hunted (and grizzlies are designated a 'threatened' species here) and where there is even a bounty offered not just on wolves themselves but at times for simply putting out baited wolf traps.
Let's face fact's, the human race is not to incredibly bright...... this plant would be much better off without us. Not to get to far off target but we need to start getting smarter, and fast. IMHO
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Let's face fact's, the human race is not to incredibly bright...... this plant would be much better off without us. Not to get to fast off target but we need to start getting smarter, and fast. IMHO
Yup there's no managing the human propensity for stupidity, for making the wrong decision despite evidence pointing to the right one!!