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2024-05-26 13-42-48 (C,S2)-Edit.jpg
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It's a bit trial and error with nikon's focus shift, but once you tried a couple of settings the you will figure out what works best for you, the only tip i can give is to try to keep the lighting as uniform as possible or the stacking software will complain and the stacking won't look very good.
Lovely image. I tried focus shift with the 105 a while back without success but will try again with a little more patience. What software are you using?
Thanks for the inspiration. I need to try this out with my z8; I am still trying to learn the basics!
On a Z8 you might want to consider using DX mode esp if you're not filling the frame because you don't want your computer to deal with 100+ 45mp raw files esp. if your frame isn't fully used anyway (which is often the case with macro)