Robin in Garden

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Robin in Garden
Here's my two cents worth and I'm being quite nit-picky. I think the rocks along the lower edge are a bit distracting: the distinct cut-off lines and humps lead my eye away from the subject. They might be darkened or cropped differently? Also the two fern fronds look just a tiny bit arranged, almost contrived. Perhaps I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't mentioned that you set up the scene, or maybe I am all wrong and they are natural, not sure. Perhaps a little off the top of the frame? I hope this is positive and helpful.

This is a beautiful photo of a beautiful little bird, I love the soft light and colors and the complimentary background, and the way the ferns frame the nicely positioned subject.
Beautiful photo and nice job on setting up a bit of a backyard bird studio.

I agree with the post above that the foreground rocks don't add a lot and may distract a bit. I'd probably start by adding a gentle vignette to the entire frame (edge burn) that will among other things darken the foreground rocks. You might even try cropping a bit tighter to cut out the very brightest foreground rocks leaving the darker stones and still leaving a bit of space below the perch. That and I'd probably either try some shadow recovery or gently dodge the face as it appears a bit dark to my eyes.

Fantastic job with the background and perch and overall composition. Really nice image!